降息与大炮齐飞 市场共跌
本文是根据Gavin Wood2024年9月16日在新加坡Polkadot Decoded Asia演讲时所展示的PPT翻译而成。
Lemma 1:All stable social systems need forms of governance
引理1: 所有稳定的社会系统都需要治理形式。
Lemma 2: Democratic mechanisms are essential apparatus of governance
引理2: 民主机制是治理的基本工具。
Lemma 2b: Democratic mechanisms are essential apparatus of governance within the Free World
引理2.1: 民主机制是自由世界中治理的基本工具。
Lemma 3: Humanity is fast transitioning to the digital realm
引理3: 人类正在快速向数字领域转型。
Lemma4: Web3 is the norms and principles of the Free World applied to the digital realm
引理4: Web3是自由世界的规范和原则在数字领域的应用。
Lemma 5: Without strong individuality, democratic mechanisms are impossible
引理5: 没有强烈的个性,民主机制就不可能实现。
Consider: If l am having a conversation with someone, and I cannot tell whether it is a human or an Al-that's the end of democracy. CPakndn Yuval Noah Hariri(The Economist, 28/04/23)
思考:如果我在和某人交谈,而我无法分辨他是人类还是人工智能——这就是民主的终结。——Yuval Noah Harari(《经济学人》,2023年4月28日)
Lemma 6: Blockchain systems are social systems
引理6: 区块链系统是社会系统。
Lemma 6b: Blockchain systems capable of evolution are social systems
引理6.1: 能够进化的区块链系统是社会系统。
Conclusion: Blockchains need Strong Individuality to survive. The Free World needs Web3 and Strong Individuality to survive.
Individuality cuts close to the bone It might send a shudder down your spine
结论: 区块链需要强烈的个性才能生存。自由世界需要Web3和强烈的个性才能生存。
Individuality vs Identity
Identity aids in linking my interactions; it compromises my digital self. Pervasive strong identity is the despot's dream.
Individuality only demonstrates my uniqueness; it allows me to strongly exercise my rights without fear. It is the despot's nightmare.
Beware Identity solutions posing as Individuality products.
注意事项: 警惕那些以个性产品自居的身份解决方案。
Examples of Individuality- Identity leakage.
Crypto purchases
Basically all voting
Foreign-exchange services
Any time you're asked for a credit card online
个性的例子: 身份证明泄露、年龄证明、加密货币购买、基本投票、外汇服务等。
The Nature of Digital Individuality Individuality is a social, not logical, construct Ergo, not "provable" with math Therefore it must be discovered and consensus over its validity found No Silver Bullet
The Nature of Digital Individuality ·Enlightened discovery implies evidence collection, evaluation & judgement Web3 principles imply no reliance on trust: Evidence must be primary source Evidence must be open for all to evaluate.Principle of universality implies a single judgement
数字个人主义的本质:启蒙发现意味着收集证据、评估和判断。Web3 原则意味着不依赖信任:证据必须是原始来源,必须对所有人开放评估。普遍性原则意味着一个单一的判断。
The Nature of Digital Individuality We must find consensus on: kinds of evidence; evaluation criteria; 。 how to arrive at a judgement.
The Nature of Digital Individuality A Digital Individuality Mechanism is really just a definition for this collection, evaluation &judgement.
Designed for Privacy.Privacy when proving individuality Unique unlinkable alias for every context in which individuality is used Unlinkable to financial events
Designed to Scale.Initial design scales to over a million Design improvements to deliver billions
Designed to Work Against the Odds .No reliance on governments. No reliance on Web2 platforms. No reliance on special hardware..No central key-keeper. No common confessional. No trust.
设计注重对抗困难:不依赖政府、不依赖 Web2 平台、不依赖特殊硬件、没有中央密钥保管人、没有共同的忏悔室、没有信任。