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欢迎第一个可产生收益的NFT吧!Smart LP n-NFT


So far, the NFT boom continues to resonate within the crypto industry. Art and collectibles, Metaverse, Gamification tweets, sports, GamiFi — it’s everywhere. But have you ever thought about what else could NFTs do?

到目前为止,NFT 热潮继续在加密行业蔓延。在艺术和收藏品、元宇宙、游戏化推文、体育、GamiFi等领域无处不在。但是您有没有想过 NFT 还能做什么?

Well, we’ve got an answer: welcome the first yield-generating NFT of its kind!

好吧,我们得出了一个答案:欢迎第一个可产生收益的 NFT吧!

While the “usual” NFTs are mostly for collecting art and other assets, Nimbus n-NFT is for collecting yields. All you need to do is acquire the n-NFT and start receiving yields as you hold it.

虽然“一般”的 NFT 主要用于收集艺术品和其他资产,但 Nimbus n-NFT 用于获得收益。您需要做的就是获得 n-NFT 并在您持有它时开始获得收益。

… And yes, this is a new concept so we bet you’re wondering how this adds up? Find the answers below!


What’s so special about the Smart LP n-NFT — and how can you benefit from it?

Smart LP n-NFT 有什么特别之处 — 您如何从中获得收益?

Nimbus Smart LP n-NFT is based on a financial strategy that leverages Lending and Liquidity Providing. Why? Because these are the two most prominent functionality blocks in DeFi. They are also the most widely adopted ones. And that’s no surprise: they offer high APYs and are based on clear yield generation mechanisms. This makes them easy to rely on.

But it isn’t all that rosy…

Nimbus Smart LP n-NFT 基于利用借贷和流动性提供的金融策略。为什么是这样呢? 因为这是 DeFi 中最突出的两个功能模块。它们也是被最广泛采用的。这并不奇怪:它们提供较高的年化收益率,并且基于清晰的收益率产生机制。这使得他们很容易被依赖。


In order to provide liquidity to a DEX and stake your LP tokens, you need to go through a number of webpages and confirmations — and pay many gas fees almost at each stage! Only then you can actually start receiving rewards. And when you want your assets back, it’s the same story.

为了向 DEX 提供流动性并为您的 LP 代币下底注,您需要通过许多网页和确认 – 并且几乎在每个阶段都支付许多气费!只有这样您才能真正开始获得奖励。当您想要收回资产时,也是要进行一样的操作。

But Smart LP n-NFT solves this issue:

但是 Smart LP n-NFT 解决了这个问题:

Users can receive rewards both from Lending, Liquidity Providing and LP Staking simultaneously — in one click. Plus you only pay a tiny gas fee once when you acquire it. All you need is at least 1 BNB and an internet connection to get started.

用户可一键点击从借贷、流动性提供和 LP底注中获得奖励。 另外,当您获得它时,只需支付少量的气费。您只需要至少 1 个 BNB 和互联网连接即可开始使用。

Since Smart LP n-NFT provides access to several dApps at once, it also mitigates risks by diversifying your rewards and assets. So even if you’re not such a pro in Liquidity Providing, the Smart LP n-NFT has your back!

由于 Smart LP n-NFT 可同时提供对多个 dApp 的访问,并还可通过分散您的奖励和资产来降低风险。因此,即使您不是流动性提供方面的专家,Smart LP n-NFT 也会为您提供帮助支持!

Finally, unlike other NFTs, it brings you rewards in real-time — no need to sell or burn your n-NFT to cash out!

最后,与其他 NFT 不同,它可为您带来实时奖励 – 无需出售或销毁您的 n-NFT 即可兑现!

But why do we call it an NFT — and how exactly does it work?

但是为什么我们称它为 NFT——它究竟是如何运行的呢?

From the technical perspective, Smart LP n-NFT is an ERC-721 standard NFT — just like many others. But due to some unique algorithms behind it, it transcends the horizon of what an NFT could achieve!

从技术方面来看,Smart LP n-NFT是ERC-721的标准NFT,这与许多其他NFT一样。但由于其背后有一些独特的算法,它超越了NFT可以实现的运行范围!

While the n-NFT does represent the assets that the user supplied when acquiring it, it’s much more than that. Since the n-NFT automatically puts those assets to work in a variety of dApps, what you receive is a personalized, tokenized portfolio that’s bringing you yields every second. It’s a personalized financial strategy that you can access with a click of a button. It’s a one-of-a-kind yield-generating NFT.





