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Linea 是一个新的 zk-rollup 网络,由 ConsenSys 公司研发设计并负责运营,与以太坊虚拟机(EVM)完整兼容。今年 5 月 2 日,Linea 联合 Galxe 正式启动忠诚度计划“Linea Voyage"以鼓励早期用户使用公共测试网,活动为期 9 周,用户可以探索 Linea 生态系统,参与每周挑战并收集积分以领取专属 Linea NFT。

Linea NFT 有什么用?Linea Voyage 最终目的是通过测试网活动为今年晚些时候主网上线做准备,为此官方共准备了四个「版本」的 NFT 作为激励,每个版本对应本次 Voyage 积累的分数阈值。此外,Linea 测试网如果在 Voyage 结束前超过 3000 万笔交易,官方还将额外为所有参与者提供一个纪念版 NFT——纪念版 NFT 并不意味着将来会有 Linea 代币(Odaily星球日报注:换言之,前四个版本的 NFT 大概率有代币空投)。

目前,活动已经进行了五周,第一周是跨链(总分 116 分),第二周是社区活动(15 分),第三周活动主题为 NFT(总分 109 分),第四周完成任务开盲盒(45 分),第五周技术和开发(65 分)。

第六周活动已经正式开启(点击跳转至 galxe 任务页面),从北京时间 6 月 6 日晚上 9 点开始,持续到 6 月 12 日上午 12 点结束;任务完成后,将有额外 24 小时领取积分。本周任务量较少,不涉及链上交互,共有五项。任务全部完成后,即时快照,可以在 galxe 上领取相应的积分;如果想要刷号,转发推文不做也可。

  • 观看 Youyutbe 视频,视频全长 1 小时 27 分钟,但无需看完,点击「Watch」跳转至视频页面后等待 20 秒,返回点击「Verify」即可完成任务;(5 分)

  • 转发推文,点击「Retweet Now」跳转至任务 Twitter 页面转发即可,而后点击「Verify」即可完成任务;(5 分)

  • 回答「简易」模式问题,共有 11 道,答案分别是:AABAD ACBDC D;(10 分)

  • 回答「中等」模式问题,共有 14 道,答案分别是:BACAC ACBAA ACDB;(15 分)

  • 回答「难度」模式问题,共有 12 道,答案分别是:BBACA CBCBC CB;(20 分)

  • 考虑到有的玩家可能刚刚接触「Linea Voyage」,错过了前期的分数,建议从第四周开始准备多个账户进行交互,通过数量弥补质量。如果已经完成了相关任务,建议早些为下周 Linea 链上做交互。在交互前,请确保你在 MetaMask 钱包中添加了 Lieaa 测试网(点击查询网络信息)以及获得测试币 Goerli ETH: 1 )直接领取 Linea 链上 0.5 个 GETH(点击跳转),上周水龙头故障,目前已经修复;2 )从 Goerli 跨链 GETH 进入 Linea,关于如何桥接资产至 Linea,推荐阅读《Linea(ConsenSys zkEVM)测试网交互指南》。


    Easy 问题及答案:AABAD ACBDC D 

    Question 1: How does Layer 2 scaling work in blockchain networks?

    A. By creating a separate layer on top of the main blockchain for processing transactions

    Question 2: What does "zk" stand for in "zkEVM rollups"?

    A. Zero-knowledge

    Question 3: What scalability feature does Linea incorporate into its framework?

    B. Zero-knowledge proofs

    Question 4: What is the meaning of "BFT'?

    A. Byzantine Fault Tolerance, a consensus mechanism model

    Question 5: What is the main scalability solution Linea uses?

    D.zk-SNARK-based rollups

    Question 6: In Ethereum, what is an uncle block?

    A. A block that is not included in the main chain, but is still valid and contributes to the security of the chain

    Question 7: What is a precompile in the Ethereum context?

    C. A pre-deployed smart contract that performs computationally expensive operations orcryptographic functions

    Question 8: How does the Smart Wallet feature enabled by Thirdweb in Linea improve user experience?

    B. It hides blockchain complexities and simplifies interactions

    Question 9: What is the purpose of contract templates like ThirdWeb in Linea?

    D. They provide pre-built templates for quick smart contract deployment

    Question 10: What does RPC stand for?

    C. Remote Procedure Call

    Question 11: In the context of Ethereum's upgrade, what was the primary function of the Beacon Chain?

    D. To serve as the foundation for the new proof-of-stake consensus mechanism


    Medium 问题及答案:BACAC ACBAA ACDB

    Question 1: What is the purpose of an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode?

    B. To facilitate the execution of smart contracts on the Ethereum network

    Question 2: What programming languages can be used to write smart contracts in Linea?

    A. Any language that compiles to EVM bytecode

    Question 3: In the context of rollups, what is a "batch"?

    C. A group of transactions processed together

    Question 4: In the context of blockchain, what does "sharding" refer to?

    A. Splitting the blockchain into smaller pieces

    Question 5: What is a Merkle tree in the context of blockchains?

    C. A data structure used to efficiently verify the integrity of large sets of data

    Question 6: What are Validators in the Linea network responsible for?

    A. Executing transactions and producing blocks

    Question 7: How is the account model in Linea different from Ethereum?

    C. Linea and Ethereum both use the same account model

    Question 8: What is a type 3 zkEVM?

    B. An almost EVM-equivalent type of rollup network

    Question 9: What is the primary purpose of the Message Bridge in Linea?

    A. To enable communication between different blockchain networks

    Question 10: What role does The Graph play in Linea's tooling and infrastructure?

    A. It acts as a decentralized and open-source data indexer for Linea

    Question 11: How does the Multicall library improve efficiency in Linea?

    A. It reduces the cost of transactions by batching multiple calls together

    Question 12: How does the Ape library enhance the developer experience in Linea?

    C. It simplifies the deployment and management of contracts on Linea

    Question 13: What is the advantage of type 4 zkEVM rollups?

    D. Very fast prover times

    Question 14: Ethereum L1, for zkevM rollups acts as a

    B Settlement layer


    Question 1: How does Linea calculate transaction fees compared to Ethereum?

    B. Linea calculates fees based on gas used and gas is metered the same as Ethereum. The priceof gas is dynamic

    Question 2: How is the block production mechanism in linea different from Ethereum?

    B. In Linea, sequencer produces blocks instead of miners

    Question 3: How does the smart contract execution in Linea compare to that of Ethereum?

    A. In Linea, the validators execute the smart contracts, unlike Ethereum where every node executes the smart contracts

    Question 4: Which of the following operations is typically performed by a precompile in Ethereum?

    C. Performing elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) operations

    Question 5: What is the purpose of the calldata transaction field in a zkEVM rollup?

    A. To store the input data for a smart contract execution.

    Question 6: What is the role of a relayer in a zkEVM rollup system?

    C. To submit the zkSNARK proofs to the Ethereum mainnet

    Question 7: What can be transferred across the Linea Message Bridge?

    B. Native currency (ETH) and arbitrary messages

    Question 8: What is the Canonical Token Bridge?

    C.To bridge ERC 20 tokens

    Question 9: What is one of the key features of the Message Bridge's design in Linea?

    B. lt makes use of cryptographic proofs to ensure integrity

    Question 10: What serves as proof that a Message Bridge operation has been processed correctly in Linea?

    C. An event emitted by a smart contract

    Question 11: Which feature of the Message Bridge protects against malicious behavior in Linea?

    C. Punitive measures against validators who behave dishonestly

    Question 12: In Linea, what is the "Deposit Contract'?

    B. A contract on Ethereum where users deposit funds to move them onto Linea





